This class will be a 32 hour lab intensive boot clamp class. To be eligible for this class you must have already taken the EDD 2 day lifecycle class. A mimumum of 24 hours will be on projects. EDD 201 is much more tech intensive and focuses on these areas:
Recieving data and starting a chain of custody procedure/ Media Receipt forms
Copying data in a forensic sound manner
Computer Forensics and Litigation support- the merge continues...
Dealing with the accuracy issue of e-mails
Loading Data
Culling project
Dealing with password protected documents
Filtering project
Processing Unicode data
EDD Processing Project
NSF Project
PST regeneration project
Quality Control Project
Searching Project
Exceptions Project
Native Production Project
and much more
During the course of this intensive class there will be a minumum of 10 labs and 6 projects that have to be completed. As well as a final written Exam. A laptop is required for this class.
80% success rate is required for completion of this class. This is a certification class. The cost of this class will be 1,295.00 per student. For more information and an agenda on this class please e-mail: