This report evolved out of the concept and need by litigation support professionals to have some kind of report on 3rd party electronic discovery processing programs. For a person at a service provider or a law firm looking at a few of these programs the research can be daunting. At a bare minimum this report will help knock off hours of research into finding the right program.
A short survey done recently by Randall Consulting reveals that some law firms are still making rash decisions about bringing in an electronic discovery processing program. Let us help you make an informed decision.
**Discover-E and Hard Copy Pro Plus from Extractiva at the last minute decided to pull out and not to participate in the report. Due to this fact that there are now five companies instead of seven.
There is also an appendix section with a wealth of information. It is geared toward novices and new users to electronic discovery. It contains a basic guide to electronic processing, chain of custody and file types. A few topics that touch on electronic discovery myths are also included in this section.
The 2006 report is now made available to the public for free. It is outdated because of the new updates now on the market. LAW 5.0 has replaced Z-Print. Discovery Cracker has had a major update. This document is password protected.
Password: Distributed1
This 2006 report includes:
� Background information on each program
� Analysis of each program � Testing of each program � Strengths and Weaknesses of each product � Official comment on the weaknesses from the software companies
� Updates on each program � Understanding the differences between Software only Solutions and Software and Hardware solutions � Also included will be tips for purchasing the right type of computer for Software only solutions � It will also include 2 separate ratings matrixes on 20 separate categories and how each program tested.
There is an appendix section geared toward new users that will include:
� Electronic Discovery Myths
� Understanding Chain of Custody � Basics on Electronic Discovery Processing
� File Type Extensions
The report will include testing and analysis on: � Z-Print � Discovery Cracker� � E-Scan-It � The Cricket Box � NeedleFinder�*
Special Thanks to the software programs that gave their support in regards to this report. To find out more about these programs click on their links. Image Capture Engineering